Monday, September 28, 2009

September 28, 2009 Did You write?

September 28, 2009 Did You write?

There are those of among us who write every day or at least regularly every week, and there are those among us who need a cattle prod to write, let alone regularly. This note is for those who need some incentive. The hope is that by having to report each week how much writing activity one has done, it will prod you into working at least once a week, so you can report "Yes, I did write."
We make no judgement, whether you write or not. We make no judgement of how much you actually write when you do. The hope of this note is to give you an incentive too produce.
Of course, life gets in the way of any plans, and we want to hear about that too.
Most weeks, I list things that can be writing. I will skip it this week just because I am lazy. Refer to previous week's posts for options as to what can be writing.

As for me, I did write. I am happy to say that yes, I did write. I am still working on my Waxy Dragon birth story and making headway. I am rewriting as I go, using as much of existing work as possible, while changing the story around dramatically. I am adding scenes, rearranging others, and overall, changing the nature of the story. I zap words, sentences and entire paragraphs, then add fresh. Because of this, My word count this week, 1557 words, which is about two pages, is really only a small portion of the actual writing I have done.
I just now checked and am surprised that I am editing page 38 of the 44 pages I have. I am starting a set of fresh scenes so the word count will rise quickly. I will also expand what I have and that will add to the word count.
This has been a fun time for me. I had forgotten how nice it was to spend time writing. I tend to spend about an hour a day on the story. I don't get far, but I do better than I did when I tried to fit in a longer period of writing.

I am still going on the story idea front. I have 36 story ideas in the compost stack, including what I will post tonight.. The ideas tend to come in, feast of famine. The postings keep going on, no matter what. I did get a bit behind this past week and had to hustle to make sure I was up to date. Including tonight, three more posts and I will be finishing the month.
I tend to get a little nervous near the end of the month where things can throw me off, cause me to miss a day. I try not to schedule things at the end of the month if possible.
Many years ago, I would take a few days off at the start of the month, and be struggling to get caught up at the end of the month. One day, It dawned on me that if I post every day, even when I was not in the mood, those would be days I need not catch up on. I don't take days off on my story ideas except for life events, such as gong out for a birthday dinner for my nephew this weekend, after missing a day for something else that happened on the previous weekend. Of course, I fitted in a couple extra story ideas when I would have rather worked on Waxy.

As to the question of THE WEEK,
I can say



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