Monday, February 1, 2010

February 01, 2010 - Did You write?

February 01, 2010 - Did You write?

A new month have arrived. A new Monday has arrived. It is time to report your writing activities. Knowing this note is coming should get you to sit down and write something, anything, of any length, on some project so you can report you have written.
This is for those of us who will go months without writing, then write a bunch of stuff for a few weeks, then go another couple months without writing. The idea is that you develop the habit of writing even a little bit each week so you can report that you accomplished something. Do this each and every week, and you end up with some visible production by the end of the year.
The amount of words that you write, is not important. What you write, is not really important. While new writing is thought of as writing, Editing, world and character creation, poetry blogging, article writing, writing assignments, are all writing. there are others that also can be writing if that is something you are willing to accept as writing. The object is to develop a habit of placing words onto "paper."

As for me, I barely wrote. On one piece, I added a total of 40 words. On another I added a hundred words. Neither production is much, but that is a hundred and forty words I won't have to write the next time I open the files to work.

I finished the month with 31 story ideas posted. That ended up as 55 pages at 33272 words. that is not too bad for about an hour, hour and a half of writing drivel.
For those couple of you who are interested, you can see my story ideas at and Go down to Writer's Roost. While you are there, if you click on page 6, you will find the beginning of the board and you will see the Waxy Dragon stories I have posted. Spread through the rest of the board, there are some 60 Waxy stories posted.
I did a count of my compost pile and including the story idea I don't have time to post tonight (I started writing it but have run out of time to finish it) I have 41 concepts to post. The top six are still good ones to post. Will have to see about the ones lower in the pile. It is called a compost pile since the worst ideas tend to sink to the bottom.

I can say,
YES, I WROTE!!! (even if it was a pittance)


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