Monday, August 24, 2009

Did you write? August 24, 2009

Did you write? August 24, 2009

It is that time of week where you are faced with a small but important deadline. Did you write at any time during the past week? This is the place to report your accomplishments, cry about your failures, and otherwise tell about what is going on in your life.
The hope is that you see this note coming up and you get yourself to write something, whether it is something new, an edit, a poem, an article, a blog, a writing assignment, and even world or character creation as long as something gets on paper. The idea is to be involved in writing in some way, preferably productively. This note is to prompt one to write just so you can report you actually write. Of course, life tends to get in the way.

I did write this week. Several sessions of rewriting my Waxy Dragon birth story. I added only two pages and 1661 words, I cut some, but really added content. I am about to the point where the plot changes from the original version of the story. I am swapping scenes around so I can spice up the story and develop the characters and their interactions better.

At the time of this writing, I am one idea behind for the month for this date. I have till next Monday to catch up and unless something goes wrong, It should be quite easy to get caught up on my ideas.

AS to the question of the week,
Yes, I can say I did write.

Did you write?

1 comment:

Lee Houston, Junior said...


I would love to be working on my own personal writing at this moment.
However I have been too busy of late between my editorial duties at The Free Choice e-zine ( and working for a start up comic book company hoping to make a Fall 2009 debut.
I would love to brag about the latter, especially since I have am overseeing just about everything creatively to some extent, but non-disclosure and confidentially agreements prevent me from doing so right now.
Hopefully sometime around Halloween I can publicly say more on the subject.
Until then...

Lee Houston, Junior