Sunday, June 30, 2019

Year 19, Week 23, Day One (week 1023)

Year 19, Week 23, Day One (week 1023)
(January 17, 2000 was my first carving day.)
06-15-19 Saturday

Some light showers early morning, and some more in the afternoon. Mostly sunny and nice wind. 76 degrees with 82% humidity. That  humidity feels thick. I almost felt like I needed scuba gear to move around. It makes air conditioning nice. . This weather report is brought to you by The City of Pompano Beach Department Of Tourism.

I had to run to a few stores, so I decided to head out and yard sail while I was out there. 
I stopped at Walmart and walked some of the isles, mainly around the outside and through the food section. I ended up finding cream brulee coffee and buying three bags of it. I like to have a wide variety of coffee flavors at work so you never get tired of one of them.  I had not seen cream brulee for two years, running out right after a new worker said he loved the flavor. 
I then followed my northern route and found three yard sales. At one yard sale, I only after I was talking to the woman, who sort of remembered me that there was a two inch step up and last time they had signs saying “watch your step.” When I saw that tiny step and knew I had been here before and told her when we met before. It is surprising how, when you don’t have the signs leading you, you may not know exactly where a place was. You know the area, the side of the road you turned, but totally forget which of roads and which house. Many of these housing projects were where there was just a few design houses that are repeated. They have different landscaping and paint, but the roads blend easily. You need some other landmark to know where they were and when following or looking fo signs, one is not looking for landmarks. Also you usually don’t expect to go back there for any reason other than another yard sale and are lead there with signs.
I got a set of things for weaving ropes for a sailing ship. There are several sizes of hollow aluminum hooks that you stick the rope into. There is a pick to spread the cords or pull up a cord, and there are instructions. I was not sure what I would do with it, but got it anyway. I am sure I will find a use for it, even if it was not for ropes.
I found another yard sale with boxes of crafts stuff with pencils and pens, crayons glue. She gave me a very good price for all of them. I then grabbed a recorder (flute) and then a bowl of wooden fruit that I think she said was made in Kenya. They were better than anything I ever made. They might be examples to follow for making my own next time.
I went to two yard sales that had nothing I “needed”. One of them had a really nice Norwegian sewing box that opens up towards the ends with three sections on each side. I considered it strongly, but they wanted $50. If I had that much money, I would have planned on using the money for something else anyway. There was a wooden cradle that her children and grand children were raised in. She also had a brand new paper-white tablet still in the unopened box they wanted $50 for. Nice things but I did not need them. I have a couple paper-white readers that I got for a song. I have not had a chance to really use them yet.
I went to Lowes and walked many of the isles. I have some ideas for projects. I almost could not find what I was after which caused me to walk more isles than intended.
And then went to Harbor Freight (woops)  and walked all the isles. I just got a few things and nearly used up my gift card. It was nice, though. Each time I go, I learn that there is more things I need. I noticed a guy following me with a mop, cleaning up the drool everybody was leaving between the rows.
I went to Save A Lot, which is a small grocery chain where you have to buy the grocery bags or grab an empty box they have on the shelves (they put the boxes on the shelf with the top cut off) to put your purchases in. I walked all the isles. 
I also walked the dollar store I did find what I was after, and got an idea of what they have in stock when I am ready to go again. I also stopped at the Arbies which is next door to the dollar store to get lunch. 
I list this to show that I walked my tail off today. I actually did quite well. It looks like I am in better condition than last year, which is not saying much....

Mom and I swapped flats of bottled water. She gave me her old ones so we can use them up quickly while she got some new ones to hang on to for hurricanes or special needs. I used a hand cart from the truck and her house and was surprised that five waters was all it (I) could handle. They are taller than I expected.

I brought out most of my gatherings and mom and I sorted the drawers of the art filled drawer units I picked up and stuff is easier to find now. We think the woman might have been a teacher or something as there was a lifetime supply of pencils, pens, brushes, and colored pencils

All that walking reduced any interest in making a mess. 
I will see what I do tomorrow.

Year 19, Week 23, Day two (week 1023)
(January 17, 2000 was my first carving day.)
06-16-19 Sunday

I had to make a quick run south, where the sky was watering the plants then came north. Storms swept across on an angle as they slid east, with the cells in the front were moving north. While it was dry up north when I started, It got well ahead of me by the time I got to mom’s house. Her plants won’t need watering today. This weather report was brought to you by the city Of Pompano Beach Department of Tourism.

I arrived a bit earlier than I normally do. I went out back and started unloading the lathe. I then had to remove the bolts holding the fence-post blocks in place, that the wheels were attached to. The first ones came off all right. That end was always under cover. The second end had problems where the bolt heads were pulled deep into the wood so I could not get a grip on the head of the bolt to remove them. My brother arrived as I was getting ready to cut the bolts off. I used the saws-all to slice right through the bolts holding one side of the block in place. We then went in for lunch and when we came out, I did the other side.
After a quick stop at Ace hardware where I did not get near enough bolts, I bolted some furniture-mover wheels (picked up at Harbor Fright last week) beneath the lathe. It was mom’s suggestion as they were on sale. These were 12" by 18" mover dollies and it turned out that the base of the lathe cart was 18" wide. I drilled and the bolted them through the cloth (added by the maker to prevent scratching) covered 12" long boards. I chose not to remove the cloth because I was lazy and figured it would only make a small difference.
The lathe rolls a little easier when it was empty but not quite as easy loaded down, but it is much better than it was.  What has happened with these dollies, is that the weight of the lathe is now held in four places along the length. The wheels on these carts are now spaced out. With the weight of the lathe spaced out on four, instead of two, places, If I hit a bump, the other wheels carry some of the weight so the force is not so strong (I think, anyway). It rolls easier in getting it in place, but does not seem to roll while I work, at least on the projects so far.
The humidity was thick and I was soaked as I worked out there. My brother helped me a little, mainly adding another hand a couple times, but mostly sat back for the entertainment of my making The Three Stooges look competent. Actually I did pretty good.
I showed my brother my finds from yesterday at harbor frieght. He approved.

I already found a place for the drawers, on top of some rolling drawers mom gave me a year or two ago.  I need to go through all the drawers of everything and sort them also. 

While visiting, there was woman with a new baby, about a month old. I asked if I could test the size of my crochet  booties on it. She put each one on one foot and they fit. I gave them to her, then remembered I never wove in the ends. Oh well. I know the technique works anyway. I hope she does not think badly about me.

I have my turning club meeting this week on Thursday. Try as I might, I don’t have anything to show off. That will be all right. It is fun to  to brag about something you did. It is also fun just to see what everybody else was working on and what just being around every friends. 

I will have to see what I do next week.


the bins of craft stuff I picked up. top bin is separate and is now full of colored felt pens.
the pink bin drawers is separate from the red bins drawers

the new wheels under the lathe. those flat boards is the only thing I don't like. sawdust collects on them and is hard to sweep off because of the wire rack

the wheels more from the side, showing the cloth protected upper boards. I chose not to cut the cross boards off because I figured it will be stabilizing the wheels. 

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