Sunday, September 20, 2020


The way the world has been over the last several months between the global pandemic and all the other problems we have to deal with, there are times when we certainly want to get lost for a while within the pages of a good book for some escapist literature.

Set in the time between
The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi and his apprentice Anakin Skywalker find themselves teaming up with another Jedi Master and her apprentice on a diplomatic mission in hopes of keeping the planet Ansion from leaving the Republic. At this moment, no one knows that the Republic is being torn apart from within by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and his allies. The Jedi are only aware that if Ansion was to secede, it would also be taking several other worlds with it because of various treaties that unite those planets, which would initiate the beginning of the end for the Republic.

The Jedi quartet find their task difficult to carry out because of all the various factions on Ansion that must be united and agree on a decision. But other forces, aligned with Palpatine and hoping to increase their own fortunes in the process, are also aware of Ansion’s strategic value and will stop at nothing to prevent the Jedi and their apprentices from successfully carrying out their mission.

Since the Disney Corporation gained ownership of the Star Wars franchise in 2012, there has been some debate over what is considered part of the official canon nowadays beyond the movies and television shows. While this novel now falls into that gray area despite its time setting and plot, there is no denying the strong prose of long time science fiction writer Alan Dean Foster.

Overall, a good read for both Sci-Fi and Star Wars fans.

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