Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fortune's Pawn And The First Year With Pro Se Productions

I spent yesterday out shopping, and by the time I got back to the farm, it was pretty late in the day. No time for writing unfortunately, and I always feel guilty about that, even though authors also deserve a day off now and then. It had been a whirlwind trip out and about, and there was a lot of stuff to put away, including some thrifted items... So it was around dinnertime when I finally got online, only to be greeted by the wonderful news linked below. Made me smile and puff with pride, though I have to say I couldn't have done this without all the important folks behind the scenes. 

I have the honor not only of having the final book ppublished in the first calendar year that my company has been in business, but I also have our best selling title! With both feedback online and in person concurring, FORTUNE'S PAWN has been very well received. It's been reviewed on 3 times now, and is also for sale on Barnes & Noble online as well as Alibris (including a UK vendor) and an Italian bookselling site called Bol.It. All versions are in English at this time. I am sure I have missed some other sites that are listing it. 

All of our other current Pro Se NEW PULP offerings are being handled similarly, and believe me, they are well worth checking out if you love a good high action and adventure read in a book that won't give you a hernia to carry around.  We have all of the past year's magazines still available, as well as audiobooks and some E-versions for those with electronic devices. I have heard the audiobooks and they are amazing! Great stuff to listen to during a commute or when waiting somewhere, or just to sit and relax with your eyes closed.

So congratulations to all of the special folks at Pro Se Productions, for the fine work you do bringing author and reader together as well as hosting a creator's convention, the first one I've ever been invited to attend. And thank you for the opportunity to get my work out there where it can be read and enjoyed, as well as trusting me to edit one of your publications. My experience with this startup company has been very positive and I feel like part of a family. 

What a year it has been for me! 

The official announcement appears on:

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