Monday, November 30, 2009

Catching Up With Me...

Sometimes I feel like I am living on a merry go round. No matter how fast I go, I can never catch up with my life. It makes for some interesting days. Lately I have been very busy, for various reasons I will explain in future blog posts, so I have been AWOL from here.

These pictures are from an older set I wanted to use as a blog post but didn't have the time to write. Most date back to the first week of November.

A quick stop at the local big box store brought home more yarn. I never know how it happens but it tends to jump into my carriage. *INNOCENT LOOK* The beads were marked down. The Simply Soft I like for doll hair. At this point I was working on a witch doll and have another mermaid doll in mind.

A trip to a local mall that has a pet supply place also resulted in a stop at the craft store. The main reason was to get a second Ott Lite for Lee, who likes to read and work on hobbies in my poorly-lit livingroom in the evenings. So good to have a portable light on your tray table so you can see what you are doing. Those natural spectrum lights are expensive but easy on the eyes, and it was marked down 40%. I bought it as a thank you for all the nice things Lee does for me.

I think I showed amazing restraint, since this is all I bought for myself. Notice most of it is marked down stuff. I can see those buttons as doll eyes with black crisscross thread sewing them on.

On the way back to our neck of the woods we stopped at the Salvation Army and did some thrifting. This stuff is in no particular order.

These little low boots I got for my mother, taking a chance that I got the right size - and I did. They have some wear but are still in very good shape, perfect for those days when it is light rain or think snow. She was thrilled because these things go for upwards of $25 in my neck of the woods. I spotted them as I was dodging a big cart full of things to stock, and went up the shoe aisle to get around it.

They had another one of these whatnot shelves like I bought on the anniversary trip. The little door is in a different spot, but now I have a matching set.

Someone right before me got the good yarn but I took the baby yarn because it looked lonely. *w* The fairy making kit seems to be intact, sorry for the bad picture. The flower book is enchanting, it has a lot of floral history and lore.

More interesting stuff. The offering goddess went into the devotional corner of my bedroom. I got the big fork and serving spoon to add to my holiday serving collection, and the Gooseberry Patch canister now holds kitchen tools. I gave the heavy little pheasant cup to my mother because it is the perfect size for a small tea or coffee.

As anyone who reads this blog knows by now, I love colorful tins for storage. Couldn't pass this one up, it is very deep and rather large.

My grandson Ben has a thing for trains which is the other reason I grabbed it.

This pretty patterened box was another must have. We feed the birds, and I have the garden, so that is just my style.
Storage I can smile at all year long.

These little notecards were tucked into a shelf full of old photo albums and other paper things. There were two of each bird. The envelopes are a bit stained and the glue is stuck, but I figure half of them are salvageable, so I can use one set as note cards and maybe frame the other set.

I do love thrifting!
This is my latest crochet project, a witch doll pattern I found online.I can get a link to it if anyone is interested. It was bit tricky but I figured it out by trial and error. I love the hands with fingers and the kewl little heeled boots. I was kind of surprised she could stand up that well. I chose the colors, making her skin a flesh pink instead of green and the fall combo of coffe brown, tan, and dark olive green for her clothing. Yeah, she doesn't have much on, but right now she also doesn't have eyes, and can't see herself.

So even though I've been offline, I've been busy! *s*

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